Profile picture of Lindsay Berg

Lindsay Berg

General Manager, Industry Marketing -

Lindsay leads product marketing for the Retail, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Mobility, and Telecommunications. In this role, she leads a team that focuses on how the Microsoft Cloud can deliver on industry-specific business outcomes. Lindsay has held a variety of product marketing roles at Microsoft across Windows Server and Azure, including lead roles for cloud management and sovereign clouds. Prior to Microsoft, Lindsay worked in PR for B2B technology companies. She holds a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literature from Northwestern University.

Session Presenting

Retail partner opportunities across the value chain

On Demand
In Chicago + Online
Thursday, November 21
9:45 PM - 10:30 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Explore key ways partners are finding success with AI across the Microsoft Cloud for Retail. This session will help partners understand recent evolutions in Microsoft’s approach to empowering the Retail industry. We’ll also discuss how Industry for AI designations can help partners maximize their customer opportunity through increased discoverability. And we’ll dive deep on Microsoft’s “solution areas” and how retailers can best align to Microsoft Retail prioritization.