Profile picture of Nathaniel Ceres

Nathaniel Ceres

Product Marketing - Azure Cloud Native -

Nate Ceres is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft, where he plays a key role in driving the adoption and success of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and cloud-native applications on Azure. He assists customers in modernizing and building new applications that leverage Azure's comprehensive apps, data, and AI capabilities. Prior to joining Microsoft, Nate worked at VMware and IBM, where he held various positions in product marketing and sales enablement. With over a decade of experience in the technology industry, Nate is dedicated to helping customers achieve their business objectives through the use of technology.

Session Presenting

Choose the right AI app use case for your business

On Demand
In Chicago + Online
Friday, November 22
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Greenwich Mean Time
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, selecting the right intelligent app use case can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, innovation, and competitive edge. We'll explore various cross-industry use cases to enhance business processes, empower employees, transform customer experience, and accelerate innovation. C.H. Robinson, one of the world’s largest logistics companies, will discuss how generative AI is driving change across global supply chains.